“There is terror in numbers,” writes Darrell Huff in How to Lie with Statistics.
And nowhere does this terror translate to blind acceptance of authority
more than in the slippery world of averages, correlations, graphs, and
Huff sought to break through “the daze that follows the
collision of statistics with the human mind” with this slim volume,
first published in 1954. The book remains relevant as a wake-up call for
people unaccustomed to examining the endless flow of numbers pouring
from Wall Street, Madison Avenue, and everywhere else someone has an axe
to grind, a point to prove, or a product to sell. “The secret language
of statistics, so appealing in a fact-minded culture, is employed to
sensationalize, inflate, confuse, and oversimplify,” warns Huff.
Although many of the examples used in the book are charmingly dated,
the cautions are timeless. Statistics are rife with opportunities for
misuse, from “gee-whiz graphs” that add nonexistent drama to trends, to
“results” detached from their method and meaning, to statistics’
ultimate bugaboo–faulty cause-and-effect reasoning. Huff’s tone is
tolerant and amused, but no-nonsense. Like a lecturing father, he
expects you to learn something useful from the book, and start applying
it every day. Never be a sucker again, he cries!
Even if you can’t find a source of demonstrable bias, allow yourself some degree of skepticism about the results as long as there is a possibility of bias somewhere. There always is.
Read How to Lie with Statistics. Whether you encounter
statistics at work, at school, or in advertising, you’ll remember its
simple lessons. Don’t be terrorized by numbers, Huff implores. “The fact
is that, despite its mathematical base, statistics is as much an art as
it is a science.” –Therese Littleton
A great introduction to the use of statistics, and a great refresher for anyone who’s already well versed in it. (Bill Gates)
Mr. Huff’s lively, human-interest treatment of the dry-as-bones
subject of statistics is a timely tonic…This book needed to be written,
and makes its points in an entertaining, highly readable manner.
(Management Review)
Illustrator and author pool their considerable talents to provide
light lively reading and cartoon far which will entertain, really
inform, and take the wind out of many an overblown statistical sail.
(Library Journal)
A pleasantly subversive little book, guaranteed to undermine your faith in the almighty statistic. (Atlantic).
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