Learn to write clearly, correctly, and powerfully. 300 Days of
Better Writing teaches you to write and edit like a professional–one day
at a time.
Strategies and techniques are broken down into specific
actions, and major concepts are presented as a series of discrete
lessons. The topic index and cross-reference guide will help you explore
broad topics in depth. Use this book to answer the question, What can I
do right now to make my writing better?
300 Days of Better Writing provides 300 strategies for effective
writing. Broad topics are presented as individual lessons and
distributed throughout the book so that you have time to learn,
practice, and master one strategy before learning a new strategy on the
same topic. Whether you learn one strategy a day, read them all at once,
or explore a specific topic, 300 Days of Better Writing will help you
write well.
As one early reader noted: “The book’s style and structure make each
‘daily’ lesson easy to understand and help the reader start applying the
lesson immediately. Bowman skillfully hits his intended target on every
page, providing great perspective and examples without unnecessary
fluff. Furthermore, Bowman does a superb job of communicating the
mechanics, tactics, and strategy for each tool, assisting the readers
with their immediate challenges while reminding them of the ‘big
picture’ objectives involved in any writing effort.”
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